Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tula's Post #1

Here is Tula riding with Mahlon in the backseat of one of Tapachula's ubiquitous taxi cabs. None have seatbelts, nor room for a carseat, even if they did. All drive fast. (A stop sign here seems to be a reminder to lightly honk your horn as you blow through it.) The good news: no injuries yet!

Here is a chicken that Tula and I encountered on one of our walks (see more walk events below).

One afternoon we visited the seemingly always deserted park down the street. Tula, who has not yet witnessed what see-saws can do for two people, enjoyed experimenting with a one-person approach.

Tula has been really interested in taking walks in our little neighborhood, Infonavit Las Vegas. Here are some pictures she wanted to share (okay, here are the cutest pictures ever that I couldn't help uploading).

Question: "What are you doing, Tula?"

"I am swinging!" [This is the more-frequented of the nearby neighborhood parks. On this particular night, there were lots of other kids hanging out and we made some friends. Strangely, two of the four little boys we met had names that sounded almost exactly like our boys'--"Max" and "Mailon." They were universally astounded at the size of their American counterparts, both of whom were much younger than they. I have been using the phrase "mis hijos gigantes" a lot, which goes over well.]

"Sweeping." [This is a nap. It used to happen quite regularly, but now it only shows itself on occasional taxi rides home from Marisa's house, where the kids stay while Greg and I work. It's kind of becoming a problem for our afternoon aventuras.]

"I'm bwushing my teeth." [...and Mom's hoping she remembered to rinse that brush with potable water after the last brushing....]

"Spinning around for my baby, baby, baby baby baby." [Read: "losing interest in this post, this post, this post....." More later!]


  1. Oh mY G-d she is sooo cuuute!!! It is entirely acceptable to load up this blog with pictures of your kids; Also your husband and yourself who are also cute.

    What is tula saying to those boys on the spinny thing?

  2. That young grasshopper's weaving a magical sphere around her...
    Big Awww....factor....
    Seeing the sick little the hospital...
    One pediatrician finally knocked some sense into me when she said...
    "Talk to the worried parents who love their sick kids"
    I guess I'll never really understand...till I know first-hand...
    Meanwhile vicarious enjoyment of Tula's curiosity...

  3. Tula is so adorable! I miss you all!!!! Destiny
